
10th China Inbound-Outbound Forum

CCG 全球化智库CCG 2023-10-10

On September 4, 2023, CCG 10th China Inbound-Outbound Forum was held at China National Convention Center in Beijing. This is the fourth time that CCG has partnered with the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau to participate in of the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) to focus on major policy initiatives regarding trade in sectors ranging from digital technologies and innovation to decarbonization.

The event was co-organized by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and the Beijing Two Zones Office during CIFTIS. The forum welcomed officials from the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and the Two Zones Office, diplomatic envoys and senior officials in China, policy experts from various ministries, as well as representatives from top domestic and international players in the service trade sector.

Roundtable discussions and dialogues were held as part of the forum on topics ranging from "Leveraging Beijing's 'Two Zones' Policy for International Trade in Services", "Trends in the Chinese Economy and Investment Strategies", "The Quest for Innovation: Institutions and Ecosystems", and "Pathways to Net-Zero and Green Transition: Business Opportunities". The forum also featured the launch of CCG's new book Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Global (Springer 2023).

Ding Yong, Director-General of Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, said that since the "Two Zones" in Beijing was launched in 2020, the project has seen fruitful results and in the future Beijing will continue in this spirit to provide guidance and increase openness at multiple levels, creating a market-oriented, international business environment based in law that also showcases the attractiveness of Beijing as an open place for win-win business. As China continues to reform and open up, we must remain aware of the complexities in the international environment and constantly emerging challenges and technologies that we must all work more closely to seize in this new wave of global economic and social development.

In his opening address, CCG President, Former Counselor to the China State Council Wang Huiyao said that this forum plays an important role in communication between China and the world. He also affirmed that CIFTIS is in line with the rapid development of global service trade and is increasingly an integral part of international global services, demonstrating China's determination open up even further. Globalization has entered a new period of change and changes in the global political and economic landscape are accelerating as the world experiences complex and profound changes. Cultural exchanges have become a new ballast for international relations, and CCG has been actively promoting the recovery and development of cultural exchanges between China and other countries. By promoting the multilateralization and institutionalization of the Belt and Road Initiative, China will inject new energy into the economic recovery and development of China and the world, and create new opportunities for China's trade in services. Mr. Wang expressed the hope that participants from all walks of life will contribute their own insights to economic recovery, global development, and the development of the "Two Zones" in Beijing.

Hou Junshu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People's Congress, pointed out that Beijing is actively advancing the development of the "Two Zones", which is deeply aligned with international high-standard economic and trade regulations, contributing to the establishment of a high-standard institutional framework for open service industries and promoting higher-level openness and higher-quality development for Beijing. He proposed three suggestions for Beijing's advancement of the "Two Zones": expanding foreign investment access to continuously broaden the scope and depth of openness, innovating platform mechanisms to enhance coordination, and improving the quality and efficiency of services while continuously optimizing a fair and transparent business environment. Beijing possesses abundant resources and unique advantages, which provide immense development opportunities. Mr. Hou expressed the hope that everyone will continue to work together to promote the development of the "Two Zones" and create a brighter future for win-win cooperation and mutual benefit in Beijing's open-platform development.

Yi Xiaozhun, Former Vice Minister of Commerce and Former Deputy Director-General of WTO, said that in the past 50 years, the world economy has undergone a structural transformation that emphasizes the service industry, which is an integral part of China's economy, while the global manufacturing is also showing a clear trend toward service-oriented operations. The global service trade is also becoming increasingly digitized. In terms of China's service trade, Mr. Yi suggested that China should integrate development of the manufacturing and service industries; focus on further opening up in the service industry; and work hard to attract foreign investment and optimize the business environment; Finally, he emphasized the necessity of introducing measures that encourage and promote inbound tourism.

Graham Fletcher, Ambassador of Australia to China, empathized that investment and trade are crucial for economic recovery and growth. The current global economy is highly interconnected, and digital technology and innovation play a significant role in supporting business development, gathering information, driving e-commerce, and enhancing enterprises. At the same time, technological innovation faces various challenges, including global issues such as geopolitical conflicts that severely impact the normal flow of investment and trade. He noted that Australia and China have vast opportunities for cooperation in areas like digital education. He hopes that both countries can engage in sustainable and constructive dialogue through forums and other forms of collaboration, leveraging the opportunities at hand to support economic growth and mutual prosperity in both nations and regions.

Tamas Hajba, Senior Advisor and Director of the Beijing Office of OECD, expressed gratitude to CCG for providing an excellent platform for much needed dialogue on plus exchanges. He pointed out that the global services trade is a crucial driver of international business development, and the service industry, and along with service trade, is a significant pillar of China's economic recovery and its foreign exchanges. According to the OECD's related forecasts, China's contributions to global services trade are expected to continue growing, making China an increasingly attractive destination for foreign investment. Over the past few years, the OECD has engaged in valuable dialogues and communication with the Beijing municipal government, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Commerce, jointly promoting a global dialogue between services trade and investment. This effort is aimed at stimulating corporate competitiveness and vitality and creating a better business environment. He looks forward to continued cooperation in driving the transformation of China's economic development model.

During the event, CCG released its latest publication Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Global. Mabel Miao, CCG Secretary-General moderated the launch event, emphasizing that the publication of this book is of significant importance as it provides research and analysis on fundamental issues that Chinese enterprises face in expanding abroad. It also proposes relevant solutions in areas such as legal compliance, talent development, financing, and provides a clear policy perspective on the future development direction of the Belt and Road Initiative.

During the Beijing "Two Zones" Roundtable, Liu Meiying, Deputy Director-General of Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau and Dedicated Deputy Director-General of Beijing Municipal Leading Group Office for the "Two Zones", stated that at in terms of industrial openness, Beijing leads the country in four areas: technological innovation, financing, biopharmaceuticals, and professional services. Beijing has consistently focused on facilitating cross-border flows in data, capital, and intellectual property. It has also taken many pioneering initiatives with the support and guidance of national ministries and commissions. In terms of foreign talent and foreign-funded enterprises, Beijing's next step will be to promote an integrated one-stop mechanism for frequent issues that foreign companies and individuals face, making it easier for foreign-funded enterprises to do business and streamlining channels for information.

Geraldine McCafferty, Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Beijing, said that this year, UK had the privilege of the being secretary of this CIFTIS. She stated that the UK is pleased to deepen its trade relationship with China, and the positive trade relationship brings benefits both for the two countries and globally. There are many opportunities to work together and she set up key areas that UK and China can cooperate, like education and multilateral trade. Although, there are some challenges stemming from this trade, the UK does not believe in decoupling and has been taking a targeted approach to manage these challenges. The UK does not want challenges to become a barrier for ongoing trade and investment. China is an ever-expanding market and international business can play an important role to support China's economic objectives. The more governments reform and open up economies, the better it is for global prosperity. She hopes that Beijing Two Zones Initiatives will play a leading role in opening up and boosting of trade business in and with China.

Roberta Lipson, Founder of United Family Healthcare and Vice Chair of AmCham China, shared insights based on United Family Healthcare's own development experience. She mentioned that United Family Healthcare, founded in Beijing, has benefited from Beijing's open environment and increasingly streamlined policy systems, which have contributed significantly to the remarkable progress in its medical resources and facility development over the past few years. In particular, the "Two Zones" policy implemented in Beijing in recent years reflects the city's inclusive approach and international atmosphere in economic and trade development. This has been conducive to attracting more outstanding talents and investments, both domestically and internationally, leading to continuous improvements in service quality across various aspects and promoting overall business development.

Beijing “Two Zones” Roundtable: Leveraging Beijing’s “Two Zones” Policy for International Trade in Services

Thematic Roundtable 1: Trends in the Chinese Economy and Investment Strategies

Thematic Roundtable 2: The Quest for Innovation: Institutions and Ecosystems

Thematic Roundtable 3: Pathways to Net-Zero and Green Transition: Business

Supported by the Chinese top leadership including President Xi, CIFTIS is among the country's most outward-looking trade shows, making it a major platform for Beijing to officially announce policies supporting China's economic reform program. Meanwhile, the annual China Inbound-Outbound Forum is one of CCG's flagship conferences focusing on the modes, trends and issues regarding FDI flowing in and out of China as well as developments of foreign firms operating in China and China's homegrown multinationals. Established in 2014, the forum was designed as a policy communication platform for leading experts, stakeholders, and professionals in Chinese FDI at home and abroad, including trade advocates, business leaders, corporate executives, policy advisors, commerce diplomats, scholars and practitioners.

Honored guests and speakers at the forum included:

Rex Chen, CEO, AustCham China

Adam Dunnett, Secretary-General, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC)

Noah Fraser, Managing Director, Canada China Business Council (CCBC)

Jens Hildebrandt, Delegate & Chief Representative of the Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Beijing; Executive Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China - North China

TomHoogendijk, President, Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China

JIN Xu, President, China International Trade Association

Roberta Lipson, Vice Chair, AmCham China

Loh Weekeng, Chairman, Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (MayCham China)

Onodera Osamu, Director-General for Beijing Office and Chief Representative for North East Asia, The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

Denis Simon, President, Alliance of Global Talent Organizations (AGTO)

Rachel Tsang, Managing Director, BritCham China

Frances Sun, Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)

Chuck P. J. Chen, CEO, China Horae Capitasl Management Group Co Ltd.

LAU Siu Ying, Founding Partner of Eagles Fund

LIU Chang, Vice President of Cargill Greater China

Susanne Song, Founding Partner, Hongman Tongchuang Fund Management; Executive Director, Xinjian HM Fund Management

Jui Tan, Managing Partner of BlueRun Ventures China

Jacky Wang, Founder and President, United Capital

Wayne Xiong, Founding Partner, China Growth Capital

XU Fang, Managing Partner, Galaxy Ventures

Lee Ligang Zhang, Founder, Chairman and CEO of iKang Heathcare Group

ZHANG Lianqi, Member of CPPCC National Committee; President of the China Enterprise Financial Management Association

Mike Liu, Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Managing Director, DXC Greater China

HOU Xue, Deputy Director of CCID International Cooperation Research Center  

LIU Dacheng, Executive Vice President of the China Institute of Industrial Development

Louis Lu, Global Vice President, Syniverse Technologies

PEI Jinlin, Vice President of Greater China, SAP

SHANG Rong, Vice President of Communications and Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Asia-Pacific R&D Group

TANG Jianguo, Deputy Director of Beijing Big Data Centre; Senior Director, Department of Data Application and Industry at Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology

XU Hongcai, Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Commission, China Association of Policy Science; Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)

Xiaolong TAN, Senior Director, Government Affairs, Qualcomm

YE Xiaofeng, Vice President of Agricultural & Industrial Biosolutions, Novozymes China

ZHANG Wei, Deputy Secretary-General, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Chief Correspondent at Economics Daily in the United Nations

LI Jian, Chief Engineer, State Grid Energy Research Institute

MA Chaode, Assistant Resident Representative, UNDP China

QIN Hu, Vice President of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Chief Representative of EDF’s Beijing Representative Office

WU Ying, Founder and CEO of Prestige and Fortune Fintech; Chief Representative of BBZ Academy (Switzerland) China Office

Gloria Xu, Country Manager and Vice President, Albemarle

XU Zhonghua, Vice President and Head of Total Energies R&D for Asia

Brandon Yin, China Smart Building & Digital Solution Leader, Johnson Controls

YUE Peng, Assistant to Gernal Manager, Beijing Green Exchange

Charlotte Zhao, Managing Director, Arctic Green Energy China

XIE Yuxuan, Head of Asia-Pacific Service and Software Business, Critical Power System Division of Eaton Electric Group

Past Forums

9th China Inbound-Outbound Forum

8th China Inbound-Outbound Forum held in Beijing

CCG holds the 7th China Inbound-Outbound Forum

CCG holds the 6th China Inbound-Outbound Forum

Fifth China Outbound Forum Kicks off at Sanya

CCG Books

● Published by Springer 

● Authors: Joseph S. Nye

More Information

This open access book consists of essays selected from Joseph S. Nye, Jr.’s last three decades of writing and illustrate a variety of perspectives on the nature of power, the role of the United States in the world and US-China relations. Through this collection, it is hoped that readers will gain a better understanding of today’s global environment and find that while great power competition may be inevitable in a world as centers of power shift, cooperating to address transnational challenges can be a positive sum game.

● Links:


● Published by Palgrave Macmillan Singapore

● Editors: Wang Huiyao, Miao Lu

More Information

This book aims to help readers make sense of our changing world by sharing the views of global thought leaders on some of the most important issues of our time, from US-China relations and global governance to climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ten dialogues in this book were part of the “China and the World” series of online discussions hosted by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG). The series features CCG President Huiyao Wang in conversation with experts from a range of fields, from renowned scholars of international relations, economics, and history, to journalists, policymakers, and business leaders.

● Links:


● Published by Springer 

● Authors: Wang Huiyao

More Information

This book focuses on globalization and China’s evolving role in the world, offering unique perspectives on a number of developments during a tumultuous period that began with Donald Trump’s election and ended with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. This period saw the global landscape reshaped by China’s continued rise, intensifying great power competition, and a public health crisis that has changed how we live.

The essays center on three interconnected themes – China’s remarkable development under its policy of Reform and Opening-up, China’s deepening integration into the global economy and rise in an increasingly multipolar world, as well as the quest to revitalize global governance and multilateralism to address the pressing global challenges of the 21st century.

● Links:


● Published by Springer 

● Edited by Wang Huiyao and Miao Lu 

More Information

China and the World in a Changing Context-Perspectives from Ambassadors to China is the latest volume in CCG’s “China and Globalization” series, which seeks to create a balanced global perspective by gathering the views of highly influential scholars, practitioners, and opinion leaders from around the world on issues of policy and governance.

Ambassadors are a kind of vehicle and bellwether for globalization. These diplomatic envoys serve as pivotal contact points between nations across a wide range of fields, from economics and culture, to health and the environment. The special group of ambassadors in this book – all based in Beijing – are at the forefront of what, for many countries, is one of their most important bilateral relationships and the platform for one of the most striking and consequential developments in global affairs in the 21st century: the rise of China on the world stage.

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● Published by Springer 

● Edited by Wang Huiyao and Miao Lu 

More Information

Released nearly two years after the outbreak of COVID-19, Transition and Opportunity brings together an array of CEOs and senior executives from leading multinationals, leaders of foreign trade associations and representatives of advocacy groups on the ground in China to share their views on the potential and risks China holds for business as the world economy recovers.

The 22 entries in this book include contributions from the heads of Beijing-based chambers of commerce representing the EU, the US, France, Switzerland and Brazil and others, CEOs and senior executives of MNCs like Airbus, Royal DSM, Michelin, LinkedIn and Herbalife as well as representatives of global consulting firms like KPMG, PwC, Accenture and Roland Berger.

Divided into three parts - ‘The Big Picture,’ ‘Analysis and Advice,’ and ‘On the Ground’ - content progresses from looking at how countries balance their own interests with China’s for that elusive ‘win-win’ formula, to the role consultancies and advisors play in helping companies succeed,  then looking at the experiences of individual companies to see how they have adapted and thrived in China.


● Links:


● Published by Springer 

● Edited by Wang Huiyao and Alistair Michie 

More Information

This book brings together leading international scholars and policy-makers to explore the challenges and dilemmas of globalization and governance in an era increasingly defined by economic crises, widespread populism, retreating internationalism, and a looming cold war between the United States and China. It provides the diversity of views on those widely concerned topics such as global governance, climate change, global health, migration, S&T revolution, financial market, and sustainable development.

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● Published by Springer 

● Edited by Wang Huiyao, President and Miao Lu, Vice President, Center for China and Globalization(CCG), Beijing, China 

More Information

The internationalization of Chinese enterprises is one of the most notable aspects of economic globalization in the 21st century. Despite the 2008 financial crisis and weak global outbound investment, under the “go global“ initiative, Chinese outbound investment has gone from strength to strength, while also diversifying in terms of investment modalities, destinations, and industries. However, growing anti-globalization sentiment in some countries has also created new challenges for Chinese firms expanding internationally.

Drawing on nearly 3000 data samples, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this book presents unique insights into the features and patterns of Chinese enterprises’ globalization. The analysis provides a useful reference for enterprises that have already gone global and those that plan to. In particular, this book investigates challenges confronted by Chinese companies when doing business in foreign countries. It summarizes research covering three angles, namely: the current situation, causation analysis and corresponding solutions, and recommendations for firms, government agencies and other institutions.

This book provides a comprehensive overview to help readers to grasp the broad picture of the international expansion of Chinese enterprises. It has important reference value for enterprises to help devise foreign investment strategy, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges in the course of globalization.

● Links:


● Published by Edward Elgar 

● Edited by Wang Huiyao, President and Miao Lu, Vice President, Center for China and Globalization(CCG), Beijing, China 

More Information

An excellent guide for understanding the trends, challenges and opportunities facing China through globalization, this Handbook answers the pertinent questions regarding the globalization process and China’s influence on the world.

With contributions from leading experts and international researchers, each chapter covers key topics regarding China’s participation in globalization, including: China’s new role in global economic governance; outward direct investment; China’s soft power and the implications for foreign relations; global migration, diaspora and talent. An enriching range of case studies and extensive empirical research are used to explore the successes and failures of globalization in China, and to discuss the dilemmas facing decision makers in today’s globalized world. A major contribution to the field, this Handbook offers valuable insights to China’s often misunderstood globalization process.

An essential reference for academics and researchers looking for a go-to empirical resource, this Handbook provides scholars of economics, politics and East Asian studies with an exemplary selection of contemporary research on China and globalization.

● Links:


● Published by Springer

● Authors: Wang Huiyao, President and Miao Lu, Vice President, Center for China and Globalization(CCG), Beijing, China 

The first effort to address the gap regarding higher-end talent within the scholarly work on internal labor migration in China

Provides an essential overview of the major milestones in China’s talents attraction policies, as well as several recommendations to help further improve those policies

Investigates corresponding policies in Germany, Japan, and Singapore to serve as a basis for comparison

Provides a snapshot of first-hand reference material for relevant stakeholders involved in cooperation with China

More Information

This book offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date assessment of China’s domestic and international migration. Restructuring economic development requires large numbers of educated and skilled talents, but this effort comes at a time when the size of China’s domestic workforce is shrinking. In response, both national and regional governments in China have been keen to encourage overseas Chinese talents and professionals to return to the country. Meanwhile, the Chinese government has initiated a number of policies to attract international highly-skilled talents and enhance the country’s competitiveness, and some Chinese policies have started attracting foreign talents, who are coming to the country to work, and even to stay. Since Chinese policies, mechanisms, and administration efforts to attract and retain skilled domestic or overseas talents are helping to reshape China’s economy and are significantly affecting the cooperation on migration and talent mobility, these aspects, in addition to being of scholarly and research interest, hold considerable commercial potential.

● Links:


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